
At Get Into Recovery, we believe in the transformative power of compassionate and non-stigmatising support for individuals on their journey to recovery.

We are dedicated to equipping coaches with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those seeking recovery. If you’re passionate about helping others and want to become a recovery coach, you’ve come to the right place.

Our comprehensive training programs provides everything you need to succeed as a recovery coach:

Expert Training: Learn from experienced professionals with extensive backgrounds in recovery and coaching.

Holistic Approach: Understand the importance of inclusive and appropriate language, and develop strategies to provide non-judgmental support.

Certification: Gain recognised certification that validates your skills and commitment to excellence in recovery coaching.

Why Become a Recovery Coach?

Becoming a recovery coach is a rewarding opportunity to:

Make a Diference:

Help individuals navigate their path to wellness.

Empower Others:

Support clients in building self-confidence,
resilience, and self-awareness.

Grow Professionally:

Enhance your skills and knowledge in the field of recovery and coaching.

Our Courses

Train to become a certified Integrated Steps Coach to deliver the Integrated Step Course.

Ready to embark on this rewarding journey? Select from the course available below and get in touch to start making a positive impact in the world of recovery. If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of dedicated recovery coaches

Integrated Step Course Residential

Become a ISC registered centre delivering the Integrated Step Course as a hybrid model, online, face to face and classroom

Includes your centre training, licence and registration (extra coaches £200 per coach)

Receive the physical manuals and access to all printables

Access to Thinking Errors / Cognitive Distortions

Access Shortcomings and Character Defects

Access our many printable worksheets

Exclusive access to our psychosocial sessions

Mobile App (clients can listen to courses anywhere)

Sign up clients to the Integrated Step Course modules at a reduced cost.

Annual Licence fee

Coupons and Discounts


Integrated Step Course Day Services

Become a ISC registered day service delivering the Integrated Step Course online and face to face

Includes your training, licence and registration (extra coaches £100 per coach)

Join our list of recommended coaches

Access to Thinking Errors / Cognitive Distortions

Access Shortcomings and Character Defects

Access our many printable worksheets

Exclusive access to our psychosocial sessions

Mobile App (clients can listen to cours- es anywhere)

Sign up clients to the Integrated Step Course modules at a reduced cost.

Annual Licence fee Coupons and Discounts


Integrated Step Course Coach

Become a ISC registered coach delivering the Integrated Step Course online and face to face

Includes your training, licence and registration (extra coaches £100 per coach)

Join our list of recommended coaches

Access to Thinking Errors / Cognitive Distortions

Access Shortcomings and Character Defects

Access our many printable worksheets

Exclusive access to our psychosocial sessions

Mobile App (clients can listen to cours- es anywhere)

Sign up clients to the Integrated Step Course modules at a reduced cost.

Annual Licence fee

Coupons and Discounts



Training Program Highlight

Our comprehensive coaching programs provide everything you need to succeed as a recovery coach:


Develop essential coaching skills, including active listening, goal setting, and motivational interviewing.

Specialised Knowledge:

Gain insights into
substance use disorders,
recovery models, and the
psychosocial aspects of
substance abuse.

Practical Experience:

Participate in sessions,
complete courses, and
interact with your recovery community.


Access continuous
professional development
opportunities and join a
network of supportive
peers and mentors.

Residential Training...

Interested in Residential Training at Our Island Hotel,
Somerton Lodge on the Isle of Wight?

Our Six Principles of Coaching

In the context of 12 Step Recovery, this principle highlights the inherent strength and potential within each individual embarking on the journey of recovery. Like the foundational belief in the 12 Steps that individuals possess the capacity to overcome their addictions through a higher power and community support, coaching starts with the recognition that the client has untapped resources and strengths. The role of a coach, akin to the support provided in mutual aid groups, is to help the client uncover and harness these inner resources to navigate the challenges of recovery, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-reliance.

The coach’s primary function mirrors the guiding principles of the 12 Steps by facilitating a process where clients can develop and utilise their internal strengths and capabilities. This involves creating a supportive environment that encourages exploration, reflection, and growth, much like the supportive and nonjudgmental atmosphere found in 12 Step meetings. The coach acts as a catalyst, helping the client to discover and refine their skills and resilience, enabling them to tackle the obstacles inherent in recovery and personal growth.

This principle aligns with the holistic approach of the 12 Steps, which considers recovery as a comprehensive transformation that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Coaching, in this light, goes beyond addressing specific issues or behaviours; it engages with the client’s entire being, including their values, beliefs, and life experiences. By acknowledging the complexity and interconnectedness of the client’s life, coaching facilitates a deeper and more meaningful change, reflective of the transformative journey encouraged by the 12 Steps.

Just as individuals in 12 Step programs take personal responsibility for their recovery journey, defining their paths through the Steps, coaching empowers the client to set their own goals and priorities. This client-centred approach ensures that the coaching process is relevant, personalised, and aligned with the client’s values and aspirations. It respects the client’s autonomy and acknowledges their expertise in their own life, creating a collaborative and customised path toward change and growth.

Echoing the principle of fellowship in 12 Step programs, where members support each other as peers, the coaching relationship is built on equality and mutual respect. This partnership is devoid of hierarchy, recognising that both coach and client bring valuable insights and experiences to the table. This egalitarian approach fosters open communication, trust, and respect, crucial elements for efective coaching and reminiscent of the mutual support found in recovery communities.

At its core, coaching is dynamic, focusing on facilitating change and taking action toward achieving the client’s goals. This mirrors the
action-oriented nature of the 12 Steps, which require individuals to actively engage with each step, from admitting powerlessness over addiction to making amends and seeking spiritual growth. Coaching supports the client in translating insights and goals into concrete actions, promoting lasting change and forward momentum in their personal development and recovery journey

Integrated Step Course Residential

Integrated Step Course Day Services

Integrated Step Course Coach